Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

There is financial help for everyone living in the U.S. - Even You!

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Financial Help News Updates

My Credit Score - What Exactly Does It Mean?

Your credit score is closely linked with your financial health. A high score indicates a successful financial past, and will help you secure low-interest loans in the future. Meanwhile, a low credit score signals to creditors that you’re unfit to...

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Payday Loan Debt Consolidation - How Can I Get Help?

My Payday Loan Debt – How Can I Get Help? Many of us have used payday loans only when we needed them.  Others have used them to make purchases we felt were necessary at the time we made them.  In the end,  it really doesn’t matter why we...

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Foreclosure - How To Stop It

Stopping Foreclosure - A Few Simple Tips Since the recent economic recession, millions of Americans have been struggling to avoid foreclosure. While some people do end up losing their homes, many other people are able to find a way to stop...

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Debt Consolidation

What is it? How do I qualify? Everybody struggles with debt at some point in their life. In fact, many families struggle with it for their entire lives. Over the years, the interest you pay on these debts could add up to hundreds of thousands of...

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